Espino vs. Chan et al. case dismissed

By January 26, 2014Inside News, News

LINGAYEN—The case filed by Gov. Amado Espino Jr against three police officials over the alleged questionable appointment of the province’s former police director has been dismissed on “ground of mootness”.

“The cases ceases to present a justifiable controversy and court’s declaration thereon would be of no practical use or value because it no longer presents a real problem as between the parties,” wrote Acting Judge Caridad Galvez of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) branch 59 here at the capital town in a three-page decision dated January 14.

Espino filed an injunction case and an urgent prayer for temporary restraining order (TRO) against Senior Supt. Marlou Chan, then Pangasinan police director, Chief Supt. Ricardo Marquez, then the police regional director, and Police Director Catalino Luy, directorate for personnel and records management.

Chan’s designation as Pangasinan’s police chief was terminated last December 17 and he has been reassigned as head of the regional directorial staff; a copy of the order was sent to the RTC.

Espino questioned Chan’s appointment on the basis that it was in gross violation of existing policies, particularly the authority of the provincial governor to choose from a list of three nominees for police director to be submitted by the regional director.

“With the foregoing supervening event, the Court deems it proper not to discuss anymore the other issues raised by both parties in their respective pleadings as there is nothing to be enjoined or restrained anymore,” Galvez wrote.–Tita Roces

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