Bonuan Gueset kagawad cries harassment

By September 1, 2013Inside News, News

A KAGAWAD from Barangay Bonuan Gueset in Dagupan has defended himself from accusations of manhandling by a resident during the distribution of relief goods by the City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council in front of the Church of Annunciation last August 27 at 11:00 a.m.

Kagawad Albert Gregorio said many people present during at that time can testify that he did not lay his hands on the accuser, Gerardo Ceralde.

“So many people are my witnesses who can testify that incident mentioned by Ceralde did not happen and may have been concocted by people who want to destroy me politically,” said Gregorio who has publicly announced his plan to run for barangay chairman in the October election.

Ceralde made his accusations over a radio program, claiming that Gregorio hit, kicked and strangled him when he simply asked for a signature on a torn ticket stub.

Gregorio pointed out that if the accusations were true, the incident would have easily caught the attention of people who were at the church premises at that time to claim relief goods.

“The truth is, Ceralde came to me and showed a torn stub which he wanted me to sign. But I told him that I will sign provided he will line up as many people had already lined up,” the kagawad explained.

“Ceralde then threw the stub to my face. Of course I asked him why he did that but I never threw a fist on his face and body as he claimed I did and I immediately went away,” Gregorio added.

Gregorio said he was surprised that a few hours later, Ceralde’s mother Ester went to the barangay hall to file a complaint against him over the alleged incident.

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