Legal case delays 100 Islands water project

By February 10, 2013Inside News, News

ALAMINOS CITY—The project to bring potable water supply to tourist destination Hundred Islands National Park (HINP) here, originally scheduled for completion last February 2, has been delayed due to a court case.

A lease applicant for a foreshore land, where part of the water system passes through, has filed a case for injunction and damages against Engr. Esmael Najera, officer-in-charge at Alaminos City Engineering Office and Engr. Julius Velasco, project contractor.

A certain Nelson Gayo filed the complaint with prayer for the issuance of a 72-hour temporary restraining order and writ of preliminary injunction at the regional trial court here on November 29, 2012 and the case remains pending.

Gayo was reportedly informed by his caretaker on Oct. 25, 2012 about the excavation activities within the foreshore land where he is a lease applicant.

The project involves the installation and operations of the Hundred Islands Potable Water Supply System in Lucap, the jump-off point to the HINP.

Facilities include 5,965 meters of transmission pipelines equipped with sinkers at three- meter interval and distribution pipelines to supply the islands of Governor, Braganza, Children and Quezon, the islands most frequented by visitors.

The project, costing almost P10 million, is covered by a Memorandum of Agreement between the city government, the Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority, a government-owned and controlled corporation represented by its chief operating officer Mark Lapid, and private firm Rising Sun Builders Phils. Inc. represented by its general manager Toribio Cote.

Construction started last year following the issuance of an Environmental Compliance Certificate by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. —Eva Visperas

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