Chan directs chiefs to intensify campaign

By February 10, 2013Inside News, News


LINGAYEN— Sr. Supt. Marlou Chan, police provincial director, presided over a conference last Monday attended by the police chiefs in the 5th District to assess the circumstances surrounding the series of shooting incidents in the area.

Chan said he is optimistic that the new operational guidelines adopted during the conference would check the perceived unabated violence in the district.

He said the conference addressed the crimes committed by criminals riding in tandem and the need to intensify the campaign against loose firearms.

Present in the meeting were the chiefs of police of Sison, Pozorrubio, Binalonan, Villasis, and Rosales as well as the intelligence, operations, investigation staff of the provincial police.

Meanwhile, Urdaneta City Mayor Bobom Perez, who also attended the conference, immediately ordered the issuance of more radio for police use and directed the city’s chief of police to investigate the sale of motorcycles found to have been used in the commission of crimes.

Perez also approved the construction of police assistance center in the San Vicente-Camantiles road, where a shooting incident occurred last week.

Chan also urged the people to cooperate in the police’s campaigns by pointing out where police visibility is lacking.

Meanwhile, the PPO is looking into the 249 shooting incidents in 2012 and in other past years to evaluate and determine if any of these may have a bearing in this year’s elections –Johanne R. Macob

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