Woman robbed in front of Dagupan City Hall

By April 28, 2012News, Peace and Order

A WOMAN who just withdrew money from an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) of the Philippine National Bank in front of the Dagupan City hall was held up by two unidentified armed men at 10:30 p.m. on April 24, in the midst of the Bangus Festival.

The victim, Minda Aguilar, 50, lost about P9,000 to the culprits who poked their hand gun and bladed weapon on her side and told her to walk with them casually in order not to arouse suspicion from bystanders in front of the city plaza attending the Dagupan Bangus Festival.

Upon reaching Burgos Street, one of the armed men grabbed the money from Aguilar but she resisted that left her left middle finger and left arm suffering cuts.

The suspects then boarded a waiting motorcycle.

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