Suspected robber killed a day after alleged crime

By April 28, 2012News, Peace and Order

A TRICYCLE driver, with a pending case of robbery and carnapping, was shot dead by an unidentified assailant at about 10 p.m. of April 24 in what police suspect to be a revenge killing.

The victim, Samson Ngo, 21, of Diamond Village on A.B. Fernandez Avenue East, was fired upon while standing in front of a convenience store in M.H. del Pilar Street just a day after he allegedly stabbed a fellow tricycle driver and ran away with his tricycle.

Ngo was hit in the head and died on arrival at the nearby Region1 Medical Center.

The police said Ngo had a pending case of robbery and carnapping filed before the City Prosecution Office, stemming from an incident at 2:30 a.m. of April 23 when he stabbed fellow tricycle driver Armando Apaca, 50, whom he hired to bring him to Bonuan Binloc.

Apaca’s tricycle was later recovered in front of a vulcanizing shop in Sitio Dupax, Bonuan Gueset.

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