City hall dawdling on fake waivers
EVEN as City Engineer Virginia Rosario presses on for the demolition of affluent, non-DagupeƱo illegal settlers in Sitio Silungan and outside the Bliss site in Bonuan Binloc, city hall officials appear nonchalant about the long-standing issue.
The illegal settlers have been found to have used waivers to secure electrical connection from the Dagupan Electric Corporation (Decorp) bearing what city hall claims to be forged signatures of Mayor Benjamin Lim and City Administrator Vladimir Mata.
These include three beach resorts, two of which are new ones, owned by rich families from Baguio and Nueva Ecija.
These beach resorts continue to operate since city hall never took any step against them despite the reported use of fake waivers, operating without a mayor’s permit, absence of business permit, electrical permit and failing to pay fire inspection and garbage fees as required by law.
Rosario, in a meeting last month with Mata and Norberto Liwag, retail service manager of Decorp, said she again recommended that to proceed with the demolition of the houses and commercial resorts of rich squatters, especially those who are not from Dagupan.
On the other hand, Rosario said she advised the city government to allow the poor illegal settlers who are from Dagupan to stay there since a number of them were actually resettled at the site by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) after the city was hit by a major earthquake in 1990, leaving many residents displaced.
Based on the inventory conducted by the City Engineer’s Office, Rosario said they found that many of the illegal structures in the areas are actually owned by rich families who are not city residents.
After the issue on the fake waivers was first reported in October, the city hall officials announced that an investigation would be conducted but nothing has been heard from the city hall since.
Meanwhile the city engineering office already ordered the disconnection of electric service of illegal structures whose owners faked her signature in fraudulent electrical permits submitted to Decorp.
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