P40 M agro-industrial facility in Villasis soon

By September 11, 2011Business, News

VILLASIS—After being acclaimed as the nation’s eggplant capital, the town is now eyeing to become the rice granary of Pangasinan with the construction of a P40 million Agro-Industrial Warehouse.

Mayor Libradita Abrenica said the complex, now being constructed in Barangay Unzad, will be a big central post-harvest facility for palay.

Fifth District Rep. Kimi Cojuangco initiated the project using funds from the district’s share of the excise tax on burley tobacco which is produced in large quantities during summer in Villasis and other towns.

Targeted for completion next year, the facility will have the capacity to dry palay at a rate of 200 tons per day and provide warehousing for this farm product.

The facility will be open to farmers from Villasis and other towns in the 5th District for a nominal fee.

Abrenica said with the complex, farmers need not dry their newly harvested palay on road pavements, a hazard for motor vehicles while increasing level of wastage.

The first phase of construction will be completed by the end of the year and it be followed by the installation of imported mechanical dryers.

The second phase will be the construction of the warehousing facility.


Abrenica also announced that Villasis has been chosen to host one of the satellite dairy farms of the 5th District central dairy farm in Barangay Maraboc, Laoac.

Like the other satellite dairy farms in Sison and Alcala towns, Villasis will raise cattle for producing milk which will be brought for processing at the central dairy station in Laoac.

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