IN MILPITAS CITY–Dagupan Vice Mayor Belen Fernandez, accompanied by Councilors Jeslito Seen and Alvin Coquia, makes a courtesy call to Mayor Jose Esteves of Milpitas City in California where she took the opportunity to promote Dagupan City and its chief agricultural product, bangus. With them are (1st row) Ben Aquino, Pepe Rosario, Dr. Rudy Halili and Romy Manuel, (2nd row) Dr. Aida Halili, Fely Daroy, Penny Cagampan, Eva Aquino, Karen Serpa, Dr. German Galvan, Roselda Mateo, Peter Mc Hugh, Milpitas Council member Armando Gomez, Jun Ongkiko, Dr. Lina Balolong and Tess Santos.

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