Gov. Espino inks MOA with DAP

By September 24, 2011Advertisement, Governance, News


LINGAYEN—Governor Amado T. Espino, Jr. signed a memorandum of agreement (MOA) with the Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP) on September 19 for the implementation of a project aimed at improving local government productivity and effectiveness of management systems.


The project is called “Development of a quality management system (QMS) certifiable to international standard organization (ISO) 9001:2008 for the hospital and public health services of the provincial government of Pangasinan”.


DAP President Antonio Kalaw Jr. said the MOA will result in stronger commitment from provincial government employees towards providing a better quality of life for the people of Pangasinan.


The governor, for his part, cited the project as an effective tool in promoting awareness and understanding of ISO 9001:2008, establishment and implementation of ISO; and development of internal mechanism for maintaining and sustaining the established QMS.


Espino lauded the DAP for helping the provincial government implement the ISO certified management system.

“This is a timely move because we are at the stage now when we should be adopting modern systems in managing our records, be transparent and accountable and applying proper management of our two resources, money and personnel,” Espino said.

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