The need to be assertive
Vicky N. Carrera
14 April 2010
Re: Punchline
I just came back from a short stay in the Philippines for an executive check-up at St. Luke.
While my medical papers (documents) were being processed, One of the nurses noticed my address and asked me if I am from Pangasinan and if spoke Pangalatoc.
I was truly offended and I told her straight. No ma’am, you are wrong. I speak Pangasinan not Pangalatoc, and people from Pangasinan are called Pangasinense. I was firm, I said it with seriousness.
I told her that Pangalatoc is an offensive word and it demeans people from Pangasinan like me. The nurse was embarrassed and immediately apologized.
Many of our cabayans are either ignorant or are probably unaware of the meaning when they say ‘Pangalatok’.
We Pangasinenses should be assertive in educating the people around us about our culture. Although, I’ve been away from our motherland for the last 36 years, my culture and values as a Filipino are still with me. I still speak Pangasinan and Ilocano dialects fluently and very proud of it.
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