Drive vs. ambulant vendors to continue

By June 3, 2007Inside News, News

THERE will be no let-up in the campaign by the city government against ambulant vendors for the next 30 days!

       Thus said Butch Gutierrez, the outgoing head of the Anti-Hawking Task Force under the office of outgoing Mayor Benjamin Lim, unfazed by reports that vendors will no longer comply with his orders.

Gutierrez reiterated he is prepared to continue to discharge his duties and responsibilities up to the last hour of his remaining days in office because that is the task he was mandated to do.

Admitting that his group is now being harassed by vendors as they are about to leave office being co-terminus with the Lim administration, Gutierrez said the vendors must understand that he and his men are only doing their job of enforcing the city ordinance.

Gutierrez warned vendors who may want to test the limit and his mettle in enforcing the law in his last days because he is bent on performing his duties, running after ambulant vendors who violate the city rules.

Also, he said his men will continue to operate against vendors who use defective or tampered weighing scales victimizing unsuspecting buyers.–APE

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