Arenas, others face poll protest raps from rivals

By June 3, 2007Headlines, News

IT ain’t over till it’s over.

This appears to be the case with Congresswoman-elect Rachel Arenas of the Third District, a political neophyte, who is poised to face another political battle after her two losing rivals filed separate protest cases against her victory before the House of Representatives Electoral Tribunal (HRET).

But Arenas doesn’t seem perturbed saying she is prepared to face the new challenge even as she begins to focus on her new duties as a congress-woman.

She is the first congresswoman to be elected in the province.

“I am very confident of my victory. I won the people’s trust and I’m very thankful for that. It’s their (her opponents) right to file such case,” she said.

Generoso Tulagan Jr., who comes from a family of politicians and son of graduating third district Rep. Generoso Tulagan Sr., filed his petition on May 29. This was confirmed by his mother, Mary Tulagan.

“It’s going to be another tough fight but we have to do it because as you can see the margin is very small,” Mrs. Tulagan told The PUNCH Thursday.

Arenas won by a margin of 617 votes against Tulagan who ranked second in the counting.

Meanwhile, lawyer Gallant Soriano, who was third in the ranking, filed a similar case, said lawyer Reddy Balarbar, provincial election supervisor.

Soriano’s lawyer earlier questioned Arenas’ victory during Arenas’ proclamation by the provincial board of canvassers but was advised to file his protest before the HRET which has the jurisdiction over the matter.

Arenas’ winning margin over Soriano was more than 1,000 votes.


In Pozorrubio town, defeated mayoralty candidate Ernesto Go filed an election protest case against winning candidate Emma Chan at a regional trial court.

In Aguilar town, defeated mayoralty bet Alberto Zamuco also filed an election protest case against his lone rival, re-elected Mayor Ricardo Evangelista.

Defeated vice mayoralty Domyciano Ching of Manaoag town also filed an election protest case against Vice Mayor Kim Mikael Amador who won the election.—EVA

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