Same old challenges for new Comelec

By February 17, 2025Editorial, Punch Gallery

AFTER all the months and weeks of listening to national and local officials and the Commission on Elections how prepared they were fpr the 2025 midterm elections, well, the test of the pudding is now in the eating, which began last week.

However, the preparations they cited were mainly about the election process, very little or nothing about the implementation of its rules during the campaign periods when candidates violate these rules with impunity.

Here are some rules that Comelec never showed any interest in the past:

  • Posters must not exceed two feet by three feet, while streamers used in rallies should not exceed three feet by eight feet in size.
  • Designating many campaign offices in one area to be able to post all propaganda materials, posters, streamers of all sizes.
  • Posting of advertising and propaganda materials of candidates on gov’t-owned electronic announcement boards, motor vehicles, owned by the government, waiting sheds, sidewalks, schools, and premises of public transport terminals.
  • Mounting of campaign materials on trees and electric posts and in all public places outside of the designated common poster areas, or in private property without the consent of the owner.
  • Providing free transportation, food and drinks directly or indirectly by candidates to voters on May 11.

In brief, can our Comelec officials still compel both national and local candidates to obey these rules, at least to remove their posters in all areas outside the designated poser areas in barangays?

Yes, it can if the candidates respect the Comelec’s authority but they don’t. Why?  Because nobody was ever charged for violating the Comelec rules in the past.

Will our provincial, town and city Comelec supervisors finally dare assert their authority mandated by law this time?

Let’s hope they still can. That would be a breath of fresh air at a time when rules seem to be made to be broken, and no one cares.

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