House approves Young Farmers bill on 2nd reading

By September 23, 2024Business

THE House of Representatives approved on second reading House Bill No. 613, known as the Young Farmers and Fisherfolk Challenge Act, that aims to rejuvenate the agricultural sector and address the declining involvement of youth in farming and fisheries.

Introduced by Pangasinan 4th District Rep. Christopher de Venecia, the bill responds to concerns that the average age of Filipino farmers is currently between 57 and 59 years. It proposes the establishment of the Young Farmers and Fisherfolk Challenge Program to create opportunities for young Filipinos in these fields.

The program seeks to encourage youth engagement in policy-making and support the development of agri-businesses and entrepreneurship.

A key component of the initiative is the formation of the Young Farmers and Fisherfolk Challenge Council, which will include representatives from the Department of Agriculture, Department of Trade and Industry, and Department of Science and Technology. This Council will facilitate access to resources, capacity-building programs, credit sources, and marketing services.

House Bill No. 613 also promotes the adoption of advanced agricultural technologies, such as smart farming and organic practices, while providing access to trade fairs and subsidies. Also, it guarantees scholarships and on-the-job training through partnerships with the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) and offers fee waivers for government permits and licenses to ease regulatory burdens.

De Venecia emphasized the need to make agriculture appealing to the youth, saying, “This bill will provide young Filipinos the opportunity to see agriculture not just as a means of livelihood, but as a promising career path that can contribute significantly to our nation’s food security and economic development.” (Eva Visperas)

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