Kalayaan Job Fair offered 7,257 jobs

By June 16, 2024Business

SOME 300 jobseekers earnestly sought employment at the Kalayaan Job Fair sponsored by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Region I, in partnership with the Calasiao Public Employment Service Office, in celebration of 126thIndependence Day on June 12, 2024 at the Robinsons Place in Calasiao.

Open to job seekers were 7,257 vacancies 23 by local firms and 1180 by foreign employers offered by different private businesses, local and international companies that participated in the event.

According to Agnes Aguinaldo, head of the DOLE Central Pangasinan Field Office, GSIS, SSS, Pag-Ibig Fund, PhilHealth and Professional Regulation Commission, participated in the Kalayaan Job Fair.

DOLE Regional Office reported that the job fair recorded 25 hired on the spot, all of whom were fresh graduates. (Kim Gealogo)

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