Compromise agreement inked for closed dumpsite

By February 9, 2020Inside News, News

IF you see the garbage trucks still delivering wastes to the dumpsite in Bonuan despite the cease and desist order issued by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) against the city government, it is because of a compromise agreement entered into by both parties.

The compromise agreement was bared by Bernard Cabison, OIC at the city’s Waste Management Division, and affirmed by Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Officer Raymundo Gayo during the KBP Forum.

Gayo, however, said the compromise agreement sets a condition that the entire dumpsite will be enclosed and only residual wastes are delivered and brought to the site.

Since the dumpsite is under rehabilitation, the other condition imposed by DENR is to have the dumpsite topped by mixed sand and gravel level by level in order to cover the exposed garbage.

Gayo said his office is strictly monitoring the compliance by the city government to the compromise agreement, with the warning that if the city cannot comply, total closure of the dumpsite will be enforced.

Closed na talaga ang area. It is non-negotiable na po,” explained Gayo adding that there is no discussion anymore on whether it can still be used. “What is being discussed now, is whether the dumpsite can still be fixed,” he added.

Gayo said the rehabilitation of the dumpsite is the call of the Dagupan city government and DENR can only extend technical assistance.

He added that the arrangement is temporary and the city government has to look for a permanent alternative for the disposal of its wastes.

Only two options are open to the city: to construct a sanitary landfill in partnership with another town or city or the implementation of the Waste to Worth program.

Meanwhile, Cabison said WMD has begun implementing “no segregation, no collection” policy strictly to ensure that only residual wastes are collected and delivered to the dumpsite.

He said inspectors from the WMD have been designated in each barangay whose duty is to make sure that garbage is being collected in every sitio properly and Clean Marshals will issue violation tickets to households and establishments not segregating their wastes or burning their wastes.

The fines are specified In Ordinance No. 1929, approved on February 2, 2009, which imposes P300 fine for the first offense, P500 for the second offense and P1,000 for the second offense.

Also being enforced by the clean marshals is Ordinance No.1209 approved on February 16, 2016 directing proper disposal of wastes and prohibiting disposal in any other place except the authorized areas. Fines include P500 for the 1st offense, P700 for 2nd offense and P1,000 for third offense. (Leonardo Micua)

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