Dagupan, San Carlos get new school superintendents

By June 12, 2017Headlines, News

THE city governments of San Carlos and Dagupan ended up having new appointees as schools division superintendents after an attempt to initially reject the new appointees.

Both Dagupan Mayor Belen Fernandez and San Carlos Mayor Joseres Resuello initially refused to accept the designation of Sheila Primicias as their respective city’s new schools division superintendent and requested DepEd Secretary Leonor Briones to retain the previous superintendents of the School Division Office in Dagupan and San Carlos City.

Primicias was earlier assigned to Dagupan but when Fernandez rejected her, DepEd reassigned her to San Carlos City.

Resuello said he was not consulted by DepEd prior to the new assignment.

He doubted the electronic signature of Briones in the appointment of Primicias and suspects that Primicias’ assignment was the just the decision of Regional Director Alma Ruby Torio.

Nonetheless, Primicias assumed her new post as San Carlos’ SDS replacing Dr. Lorna Bugayong who in turn assumed the SDS post in Dagupan earlier occupied by Dra. Froserfina Bravo.

“We are not questioning the competency of the new SDS (Bugayong) neither the decision of DepEd, but what we are concerned of is our preparations for the city’s platinum year,” stressed Fernandez.

She also wondered if the changing of the guards at the DepEd was in conformity with the Local Government Code of the Philippines.

Fernandez pointed out that section 99 of RA 7160 particularly states that DepEd shall consult the local school board, of which she is the chairman, on the appointment of division superintendents, district supervisors, school principals and other school officials.

Fernandez maintains the city school board was not consulted.

Bravo, former superintendent in Dagupan, will reportedly be re-assigned to Laoag City, her native town as Assistant SDS.

Amid the rejections, Primicias said she was just following orders from Briones after her application to be promoted as SDS had been approved.

She clarified that she applied for the post in Dagupan, not in San Carlos but she was moved to San Carlos instead when Fernandez rejected her designation. (Nora Dominguez/ CIO)

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