University students plant narra seedlings

By August 21, 2016News, People & Events

MANGATAREM– Despite monsoon rains last Friday, a group of students and employees from the Phinma-University of Pangasinan (UPang) proceeded with its tree planting project at the Manleluag Spring Protected Landscape here.

Mark Macaventa, chief operations officer of Phinma Pangasinan, said 120 members of the academe and 15 volunteer-residents gathered to plant some 1,500 narra seedlings provided by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) in Pangasinan.

Macaventa said the greening activity, now on its sixth year, is part of the 60th anniversary celebration of Phinma Corporation and an annual project of the institution in partnership with DENR that aims to mitigate flooding and soil erosion in the province.

“We have an agreement with DENR, that we will adopt a certain portion of land to plant trees as our way to preserve the environment,” Macaventa said when asked why they chose to plant trees in Mangatarem town. (PIA Pangasinan)

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