Milk education pursued

By June 22, 2008Business, News

LEADING powdered filled milk product Bear Brand has taken the lead in promoting milk education in the Philippines through its annual campaign dubbed as “Laki Sa Gatas”.

Now on its third year, Bear Brand “Laki Sa Gatas” visits hundreds of public elementary schools in various regions to educate students, parents, and teachers on the importance of drinking milk and how to make the right food choices to ensure proper nutrition.

Alarming decrease in milk consumption

“The prevalence of malnutrition coupled with the alarming decrease in milk consumption in recent years have made us realize the need to take on this cause,” explains Eugene David, Nestle Philippines Inc. (NPI) Business Executive Manager for Dairy Health and Nutrition Solutions, the makers of BEAR BRAND.

According to the National Nutrition Survey conducted by the Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI), milk consumption had dramatically decreased among Filipino children as they get older. This is deemed serious considering the nutritional recommendation of one glass a day for Filipinos. Milk is an excellent source of essential nutrients like protein, calcium, vitamin A and zinc very important for growth and development of these children.

Educating children, parents and teachers

The Laki Sa Gatas program includes sessions for children on the value of good health and proper nutrition.

      Parents and teachers are taught how to make the right food choices for their families through effectively incorporating the Go, Grow, and Glow foods in their children’s diet.

The teachers, meanwhile, are trained to help them screen and address malnutrition problems among their students.

Successful campaign

The first two years of Laki Sa Gatas were successful with visits to over 1,600 schools across the country.

“So far we are happy to announce that we have reached out to more than 700,000 students, 430,000 mothers, and 7,200 public school teachers,” reports David. #

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