Happiness in the heart

By January 1, 2012Headlines, News


THE first day of the year is a good occasion for us to make a pilgrimage into our hearts in order to truly meet our God. If we cannot find God in our hearts, we will not be able to find him anywhere. What values do I treasure in my heart? Are the treasures of my heart the treasures of God too? If God is truly my treasure, I must hold dear what God holds precious.

What makes you happy? Did having all your Christmas wish-list make you happy this week? Look at what makes most of us happy. Among all the gifts you received which one made you happiest? Most of us look for happiness from what we get, from what we receive, from what others give. Is God happy? What makes God happy? Giving Himself to us is the joy of God. Do not peg your happiness on anyone or anything. Find happiness within you. You do not need anything or anybody to be happy. You are already happy but you are just unaware that you have happiness because you are distracted by the wrappings and the decors and the lights. In your heart, there lies your happiness.

When we lose the capacity to live within our hearts, then we start to think that happiness is getting more and getting the most. You are gravely mistaken. What makes you really happy? Ponder your answers in your heart…

What do you fear? What are you afraid of? Is the past haunting you with its skeletons and ghosts? Is it the uncertainty of the future and having nothing when the need comes? Are you afraid to have nothing?

Are you afraid of the new? Because God is always with us, there is really nothing we should be afraid of except sin. Sin separates us from Him. Nothing else can separate us from the love of God. Fear nothing. Was God ever afraid? He was afraid in the garden of agony. He was afraid of what people would do to Him and He saw that such acts could harm them even before they hurt Him. He was afraid that His tormentors would be separated from the love of the Father. He loved all including His persecutors and He dreaded their separation from God. Love removes all fears. What are you afraid of? Ponder your answers in your heart …

What do you want? What do you really want? God wants to be with you that is why He became man. Do you always want to be with God, always with God, only in God? God alone is sufficient for us to be happy. God wants you. How much do you really want God? Ponder your honest answers in your heart. Be true to your heart.

Beyond the fireworks and the clinking of glasses and rich tasty food on the table, pause and reflect on these timeless questions and like Mary, ponder these things in your heart. Unless you allow Jesus to renew your heart, this year will just be like the old year. Only you can judge whether 2012 is indeed new.

From the Cathedral of Saint John the Evangelist, Dagupan City 





Archbishop of Lingayen Dagupan

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