Alaminos City celebrates Talaba Festival

By March 16, 2025People & Events

THE Alaminos City government led the grilling of 200 sacks of oysters during the Talaba Festival, the centerpiece of the Hundred Islands Festival last March 13.

The oysters were gathered from farms in Barangays Baleyadaan, Mona, Cayucay, and Pangapisan, according to Rosalie Aruelo, head of the City Environment and Natural Resources Office.

“The harvested oysters were cleaned and placed in sacks, and distributed to the participants of the street party,” she said.

City Aquaculturist Mikhaela Tamayo said Alaminos has 1.5 hectares of oyster farms tended by 266 farmers, producing 766 metric tons in 2023.

Mayor Arth Bryan Celeste, a speech during the celebration, highlighted the city’s reputation as the largest oyster producer in Pangasinan. (Kim Gealogo)

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