Arenas hails Anti-Agricultural Economic Sabotage Act

By September 29, 2024Business

THIRD District Representative Rachel Arenas welcomed the signing into law of R.A. No. 12022, the Anti-Agricultural Economic Sabotage Act, on September 26.

As a co-author and one of the attendees at the ceremonial signing in Malacañang presided by President Ferdinand Marcos Jr, she emphasized that the law aims to support farmers and fishermen who are suffering due to the rise of smuggled goods and stock hoarding by local traders and importers.

Agriculture is a vital source of livelihood for residents in the Third District, making this legislation crucial, Arenas said.

She stressed that RA 12022 will protect local farmers, fisherfolk, and consumers from unreliable and substandard products, helping to stabilize prices and enhance the quality of local production.

Under the new law, smuggling, hoarding, profiteering, and cartel operations will be classified as economic sabotage, punishable by heavy fines and life imprisonment for those found guilty of these illegal activities.

Meanwhile, in a news statement, the Department of Agriculture said that the Anti-Agricultural Economic Sabotage Act applies to goods where the value exceeds P10 million. Activities such as forming cartels or funding smugglers and hoarders are also considered as economic sabotage.

Violators could face hefty fines of up to five times the value of the smuggled or hoarded goods well as life imprisonment if convicted.

The law applies to various agricultural products, including rice, corn, beef, pork, poultry, garlic, onions, carrots, other vegetables, fruits, fish, salt, and other aquatic products in their raw form.

Further, the law offers rewards of up to P20 million and other incentives for information leading to the investigation, arrest, prosecution, and conviction of those involved in smuggling and hoarding.

The law mandates the creation and maintenance of a Daily Price Index, which will be managed by the DA’s Bureau of Agricultural Research and the Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Service. (Eva Visperas)

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