By June 30, 2024Peace and Order

(Filed by Ahikam Pasion)


Rice cargo truck flips, 1 dead

A truck, heavily loaded with sacks of rice, reversed and toppled on a downhill road that resulted in one fatality and five others injured.

The truck, driven by Ian Quila 27, lost control while descending the road near the boundary of Barangays Catuday and Patar in Bolinao and skidded and hit a rock formation wall before flipping over.

Victim Jinky Osorio Nafura, 22 and a rice miller, from Barangay Dacap Sur, Bani, was thrown out from the truck and was crushed by the vehicle.

Others onboard suffered injuries when they were thrown out of the truck.

Emergency responders transported the injured to the hospital for medical attention.

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Man trying to pacify altercation, struck with a hammer

A 22-year-old man sustained injuries after he was struck by an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) in Tayug with a hammer during a heated confrontation.

John Romero, a resident of Barangay Magallanes in Tayug, is currently receiving medical attention from doctors. According to police investigation, the incident occurred at the Municipal Gym.

The suspect, Von Roelson Avecilla Quitola, a 29-year-old OFW from Barangay Legaspi, confronted Norby Palaruan, a 30-year–old office staff member from the same barangay.

The confrontation was triggered by an alleged relationship issue involving the OFW’s spouse.

Amid the altercation, persons tried to intervene and pacify the two, when the suspect picked up a hammer. In a desperate swing, the hammer struck Romero, who was standing behind the suspect.

Police promptly arrested the suspect, who now faces charges related to the incident.

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Pickup truck plunges into river

A pick-up truck accidentally backed off the Baywalk Road in Barangay Pangapisan North and plunged into a river in Lingayen.

According to police investigations, the vehicle was being driven by Romeo Galapate Aquino, a 56-year-old tricycle driver from San Mateo, Rizal who accidentally stepped on the accelerator without realizing that the vehicle was in reverse mode.

As a result, the truck moved back into the river and submerged.

Local residents rushed to rescue the driver and one passenger. The vehicle was eventually pulled out of the water.

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Two arrested for dynamite fishing

LOCAL authorities caught three fishermen engaging in dynamite fishing at Tondaligan Beach in Bonuan, Dagupan City.

Two suspects were arrested while the third managed to escape by swimming away.

In an interview with PMAJ Mark Lester Uminyad, the station chief of the Pangasinan Maritime Police, said they recovered two improvised dynamite explosives (locally known as “nibumbum”) and two time fuses used for detonation.

Dynamite fishing has long been prohibited under the Fisheries Code of the Philippines.

The arrested fishermen were charged for violating Section 92 of RA 10654.

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