Two Dagupeños arrested in Villasis for drug peddling

By June 23, 2024Peace and Order

TWO drug pushers were arrested by the police in Villasis town in a drug buy-bust operation last June 19.

P/ Major Edgar Serquiña, chief of police of Villasis, identified the suspects as Mariano Rondero Jr. and Edarlito Montilla, both 35 years old and fish pen caretakers and residents of Brgy. Pugaro Suit in Dagupan City.

More than two grams of shabu with estimated street value of P20,000 were seized by the police from the suspects.

The buy-bust operation was launched soon after the police saw the two suspects selling two sachets containing suspected shabu weighing 0.7 grams valued 4,760 pesos.

When searched, Rondero yielded seven more sachets of suspected shabu weighing 1.8 grams valued at P12,240. grams worth P3,400 were seized from Montilla.

Among the items recovered from the two were 10 pieces of P100-bill and two pieces of photo-copied P1,000-bills which were used by the police as boodle money, five pieces of aluminum foil, one cellphone and a motorcycle.

The two suspects were detained at the Villasis Police Station while charges for violation of the Comprehensive Anti-Drug Law are being prepared against them. (Kim Gealogo)

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