Basista MHO’s office air-condition still missing

THE air-conditioning unit stolen from the Municipal Health Office in Basista town on April 30 is still missing and the police continue to hunt for the suspected thieves.

P/Major Brylle Dave Dong-Oc, Basista PNP officer-in-charge, said the theft case could not have been done by a single person alone, because the air-conditioning unit is heavy and could not have been carted away swiftly.

“Sigurado may kasabwat ang suspect. Baka minimum dalawa,” said Dong-oc.

On April 30, MHO Nurse Marilou Hermogeno reported to the police the window-type aircon unit was missing when she entered the office.

Dong-oc said initial investigation showed a window was left open by the MHO employees, which served as the entry point by the suspects.

He ruled out the possibility of an inside job, as he emphasized it was the MHO personnel’s negligence that resulted in the theft of the valuable aircon.

Dong-oc urged the public to lock all windows and doors to prevent being victimized by a similar incident. (Ahikam Pasion)

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