Mothers know best

By Rex Catubig


IT’S just an ordinary day for these mothers — just one of those unexciting Sundays, perhaps just hotter, but no different, really. No Facebook posts, no Instagrams, no flowers, no greeting cards, no Tik Tok; maybe not even a bag of pancit and tasty bread to mark the day as special.

Mother’s day is a non-holiday in the calendar of the garden variety mother – who you see in every vacant spot and corner of our city—waving her maternal magic wand and doing the routine chores that are second nature to her: hawking whatever she can get her hands on to make ends meet, or doing random jobs in order to add a serving of fish or meat to the plateful of rice on the table, even as she tends to her priorities — raising, caring for and loving her family in a casual, equable, easygoing, old-fashion way.

Uncoiffed, unsung, unheralded, her name is beyond recall and her face is just a blur in domestic drudgery. She may appear weak, but she effortlessly and dutifully bears the burden of keeping the family together: she’s the comfort zone of her children, the strong ally of the husband, the secure chain that links them all together.

The miracle of motherhood is it transforms a woman into a Jill of all trades. Nothing is ever so difficult, impossible to do, beyond her ken. She would break into a K-pop dance if there is a pressing need. All for the sake of family.

She always puts herself last, would give up that piece of dried fish, and settle for its aroma to flavor the bland rice she scoops gingerly into her mouth with her gnarled fingers. For her, that is happiness in its purest form, that keeps her heart beating to the syncopated rhythm of love.

All told, she is the best Mother life could ever offer. And on this Mother’s Day which she may not even be aware of or unconsciously ignore, our wish is for the ordinary wonder mother to be doubly blessed and showered with grace, love, strength, and resilience so that she will “not merely endure but will prevail”.

On another note, we have a woman leader who is not a mother, but who strives to be the doting mother of her beloved city. Against all odds, she embraces and cares for her constituents and protects them like they were her own children. She puts up a brave front, shields and fights for them as they are caught in the crossfire of unconscionable politics.

She could be the ordinary mother who faces insurmountable challenges in daily life. Yet she is not your ordinary woman: Imbued with obstinate passion, strong willed and headstrong, she stays unfazed by the myriad struggles that crowd her daily routine.

She is the hard-working, hard-pressed mother of a beleaguered city who, in the midst of the nightmares that haunt and hound her, defies her detractors, and dares to dream a million dreams—then wakes up at the crack of dawn every day, utterly inspired and brimming with passion. Ever desirous to build on the dreams she harbors and fortify every one’s hope for a secure tomorrow.

She may not be a mother, but she knows best for her city– as only a mother with a big heart and unlimited love can know.

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