Guico orders stricter quarantine regulations for swine entry

By February 5, 2023Top Stories

ANIMAL quarantine checkpoints were again placed on alert following an executive order of Governor Ramon Guico III dated February 2, 2023 implementing a one-month temporary total ban on the entry of live swine/pigs, pork, and pork by-products from all red/infected zone municipalities into the province from February 2, 2023 to March 2, 2023.

Executive Order No. 0004, Series of 2023 extended the temporary total ban on the entry of these animals and their by-products as provided for in his previous Executive Order No. 0195-2022, effected from October 26, 2022 to December 31, 2022.

The new EO issued by the governor is consistent with a memorandum of the Bureau of Animal Industry dated January 12, 2023 entitled “Update on Zoning Status of Regions in Relation to the Implementation of the National Zoning and Movement Plan for African Swine Fever (ASF)”, wherein areas/municipalities within the Philippines were categorized under the different zoning status.

The E.O stated that while Pangasinan has no reported case of ASF to date, there is still a need to implement a temporary total ban on the entry of live swine/pigs into the province to safeguard the swine/hog industry as well as to protect the general public from ill effect of the ASF, and to maintain the present status quo.

Only swine and its by-products from all other zones may be allowed to enter the province provided updated documents can be presented: Veterinary Health Certificate, Veterinary Shipping Permit; Animal Registration Certificate, Transport Carrier Registration Certificate; Handlers’ License Certificate of Registration; Certificate of Free Status -ASF; ASF Laboratory Negative Result; and Certificate of Acceptance.

There are also requirements that must also be strictly followed to bring in live pigs for breeding purposes, semen, fresh pork meat, frozen pork products, uncooked processed food products and uncooked meat products.

Only the Provincial Veterinary Office will issue a Certificate of Acceptance upon presentation of all valid documents for shipment.

Lastly, the Provincial Veterinarian Quarantine Officer and local Philippine National Police have been authorized to enforce all the restrictions in border checkpoints around the province. (Leonardo Micua)

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