G Spot
The shortest distance between two points
By Virginia Jasmin Pasalo
FOSTERING a sense of intimacy requires physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bonding. It is easier to achieve the desired level of intimacy when couples live together. It becomes a challenge when they live apart, owing to the circumstances of their personal lives. Most often, relationships fail under the strain of physical distance, and the concomitant “distances” that engenders emotional, mental and spiritual alienation.
The shortest distance between two points is not necessarily a straight line, but a narrow foot trail in a terrain with many unpredictable turns, stepping on rough stones, kicking some to clear a pathway, and picking some to remind oneself of the journey. Regret is a hindsight never to be taken, because experiences are there to instruct, and the memories serve as a reminder of the peculiar taste of what we were and what we have become. Whatever you do, wherever you go, go the distance, be it through a straight line, a curve, a spiral or a rough and tumbling crooked line.
You, me and the distance in between
I see you, a dot turning on and off
a heart flowing in emerald green
a temptation to touch, the unseen
on green, my fingers go
my hands reach out to touch you
touching, what could be your face
the face behind the green
the face behind the words
I imagine your voice in the words
seducing meanings from hieroglyphics
translating meanings, to the song of birds
my heart sees a bridge
enough to carry words
enough to carry a song
enough to dance with the wind
beyond, I can sense a forest
hidden by a thick fog, a place to rest
to the symphony of leaves,
to the song of the crickets
in the thick of the greens
far beyond the woods
a voice gently whispers my name,
in the warmth of the sand,
in a desert, very far away.
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