Solution to flooding needs total approach
THE creation of the Anti-Flooding Commission by the Lim administration is a step in the right direction. However, from the initial description of the commission’s mandate, one gets the impression that the study’s parameters are inclusive of the city’s physical boundaries only.
Following the truism that water seeks its own level, the cause of flooding in the city is created by water from everywhere, not from torrential rains or high tide alone. Much of the prolonged flooding in the city is caused by its position and topography in relation to other town’s locations as well.
In brief, the commission must not lose sight of the fact that Dagupan City is a catch basin for flood water from the mountains to the central towns whose rivers are linked to the city’s.
The commission cannot even hope to effectively mitigate flooding in the city for the long terms without considering mitigating measures from outside and this can only be achieved by coordinating plans with the national, provincial and local governments of neighboring towns whose rivers link to the city’s.
A total approach must be adopted.
True test of character
WHEN you are wrong, admit it.
That’s the true test of character. And that’s what President Duterte just did. Four days after he suspended lotto operations nationwide, Mr. Duterte bowed to reason. Without hesitation, he lifted the suspension, restoring order in the game numbers that is generally considered as the so-called poor man’s bid to become instant millionaire.
How many times has the Chief Executive heeded a people’s cry for justice? Millions were affected by the lotto closure, employees losing their livelihood big time. Corruption was what the President wanted weeded out on his lotto spin. But he can do that without sideswiping our workers, who are mere foot soldiers. Corruption can only thrive with blessings from lotto top brass. Leave those down below as they pitifully subsist mainly on pigeon, if not pittance, fees.
Well done, sir.
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