Mandatory drug testing for college students
THE campaign against illegal drugs will take the fight one notch higher with the start of the school year barring any legal court order to stop it.
An order from the Commission of Higher Education issued on October 26, 2018 directed colleges and universities to implement a mandatory random drug testing of their students beginning 2019 school year. Specifically, the mandatory testing should be part of the institution’s admission and retention policies.
College students after all make rich targets to drug syndicates because they usually have bigger spending allowances. Peer pressure to experiment and to try anything makes them even more vulnerable, risking a breakup in family households.
We support the CHED directive because it will create further awareness of the gravity of the illegal drug trade and its consequences to the students and their families. All families must oppose any move to stop the mandatory testing for their own sake.
We therefore, hope that human rights groups will take the ordered mandatory testing as a reason to protest the war on drugs without regard for the purpose and objective of the CHED directive – to protect not the students from the clutches of drug syndicates but families who will be mentally and financially burdened by a son or daughter caught in the web of drug addiction.
Sona: Greatest show
A good citizen must always seriously pay attention to the Sona (State of the Nation Address). For one, it presents us the condition of the country; is it healthy or not? For another, it lays down the report card of our President for the past 12 months; did he get a passing grade or not? The President being always a straightforward person—calling a spade a spade whenever necessary—he will boast, among others, of a continually growing economy since he moved to Malacanang in 2016.
Also in his fourth Sona tomorrow (July 22), expect him to discuss, again with passion, the twin towers of his administration: the drug war and his unrelenting fight against corruption. Of course, expect more fireworks in typical Mr. Duterte fiery style. Thus, sit back and relax while being glued on your TV sets.
The greatest show, starring your government, is about to unfold. Don’t miss it.
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