PH Science High scholarships open
APPLICATIONS for The Philippine Science High School scholarships for School Year 2016-2017 is now open. It is open to Grade Six pupils in Pangasinan with a final grade of 85 percent in both Science and Mathematics.
However, if the grade is below 85, an evidence to prove that the student belongs to the upper 10 percent of the class must be presented. In addition, an applicant should also have at least a satisfactory character rating in his/her report card for SY 2015-2016.
Part of the basic requirements are: No pending or approved application as immigrant to any foreign country; born on or after August 1, 2002, and preferably in good health condition and fit to undergo the rigorous academic program and should not have taken previous PSHS National Competitive Examination.
Application forms can be downloaded thru or file with Provincial Science and Technology Center in Pangasinan. Deadline for filing of application will be September 2, 2016 and examinations will be on October 22, 2016. (MPA_PIA-LU/DOST)
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