Mayor Belen, VM Brian assured of second term

By March 28, 2016Headlines, News


WHAT was expected to be the continuation of the costly and highly emotional 2013 ‘Battle of the Malls’ in Dagupan City in this year’s election will no longer happen.

Re-electionist Mayor Belen Fernandez of the CSI Malls and Vice Mayor Brian Lim of the Magic Malls are now unopposed after last minute negotiations were finalized to keep the two in their same posts for another term without drawing blood.

CARTOONnews-160327LP standard bearer Fernandez is now without opposition. NP’s mayoralty bet Celia Lim withdrew from the race after presenting an affidavit of withdrawal to the City Elections Office at 10:45 a.m. on March 22.

A separate affidavit of withdrawal was also filed a minute later before the City Election Office by Dean Bryan Lim Kua, running mate of Mayor Fernandez, making incumbent Vice Mayor Brian Chua Lim, son and running mate of Celia, also unopposed.

City Elections Officer Ericson Oganiza said the affidavits of Celia, wife of former Mayor Benjamin Lim and Kua Kua will be immediately forwarded to Manila. It is not known if the names of both will still appear in the ballots.

With the new development, the election in Dagupan will only be a contest for the 10 seats in the city council by 10 LP candidates, three NP and three independent bets.

When contacted for comment, Mayor Fernandez said her being unopposed means she can continue her “Unli-Serbisyo” program for another three years even as she acknowledged that it was made possible through her running mate Kua’s supreme sacrifice.

She said Kua’s withdrawal was his family’s and his own decision alone but former Mayor Alipio Fernandez Jr. and former Councilor Liberato Reyna Jr. were instrumental in initiating the negotiation for a status quo in the city.

The affidavit of withdrawal of Kua was dated March 21 and was notarized on the same day by Atty. Alex Norman Lomboy. In the case of Mrs. Lim, her affidavit of withdrawal was dated March 16, 2015 notarized by Atty. Geraldine Baniqued on the same day too.

Officially, Kua, the incumbent barangay captain of Pogo Chico and vice chairman of the city’s Liga ng mga Barangay, cited personal reason for his withdrawal while Mrs. Lim cited pressures brought about by business and family concerns.

On his own, Vice Mayor Lim said his mother decided to quit the race to devote more time to be with his ailing father who suffered a stroke in 2013.

In his press statement, Kua said he will continue his projects not only in his own Pogo Chico but also other development program in the city.

Mayor Fernandez said she will still campaign hard with her Team Belen, composed of five re-electionists and five new faces.

She said she will need a clear majority in the city council to help support her plans for the city, particularly the pending Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP).

She vowed to lead every rally and campaign sorties of the Team Belen and to campaign for LP presidential candidates Mar Roxas and Leni Robredo.

Mrs. Lim also pledged to fully support to the candidacy of Nick Aquino, Pablo De Venecia, Red Erfe- Mejia, Chito Samson, Guillermo Vallejos and Teddy Villamil.

(Leonardo Micua/Hilda Austria)

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