DTI posts lower prices for milk products

By March 2, 2015Business, News

THE Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in Pangasinan has lowered the suggested retail prices (SRPs) of some powdered milk brands due to decreasing costs of raw materials.

Based on the updated SRPs list of DTI, milk products that posted a decrease are as follows: Bear Brand Powdered Milk Drink 150g has dropped to P50 from P51; Birch Tree Cream Milk Powder 150g decreased to P57.10 from P58.10; and Alaska Powdered Milk Drink 150g adjusted to P44.15 from P45.15.

Peter Mangabat, provincial director of DTI-Pangasinan, said the new list of SRP updated on February 23 was based on the lowering cost of imported raw materials of powdered milk. (PIA-Pangasinan)

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