Malasiqui provides free school supplies

By June 15, 2014Inside News, News

MALASIQUI—This town puts its money where its mouth is when it says education is a priority.

Some 25, 000 public school pupils here received free school bags and school supplies from the local government unit (LGU) last June 10.

The beneficiaries of the project are the day care, kinder, and elementary pupils of the 52 elementary public schools and 73 day care centers in the town.

“This simple project funded by the municipality under the children and youth welfare will be a great help to their parents and to inspire the pupils to strive in studying notwitshtanding their financial status,” said Mayor Armando Domantay Sr. who has been leading the distribution since he assumed office as the local chief executive.

“Education is for all and the LGU will help in anyway in order to ease the burden of each school year especially for our poor citizens,” added Domantay, who was a school teacher before he entered politics.

Esterlita Fernandez, principal II of Malasiqui Central School, admitted that the project of the LGU is helpful, noting that most of the 2, 219 pupils in the school belong to poor families who could not afford to buy new school supplies.

The municipal government also appropriated P15, 000 for each elementary and secondary public school for the “Brigada Eskwela 2014”, the annual clean-up activity before classes open for a new school year.

Domantay said the amount was released to the schools who have provided the necessary documents for the liquidation of funds in last year’s Brigada Eskwela.

“We strictly observe liquidation of funds and we are glad that the schools comply with it”, Domantay said.—(Hilda M. Austria)

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