PhilHealth gets CSC Seal of Excellence

By June 15, 2014Business, News

THE Civil Service Commission (CSC) conferred on PhilHealth Regional Office-I (PRO-1) Based in Dagupan City the Citizen’s Satisfaction Center Seal of Excellence for its exceptional public service in 2013.

The award, which comes with a cash incentive of P100,000,  was based on the CSC Anti-Red Tape Act (ARTA) Report Card Survey for 2013, and PRO-I obtained a rating of 91.50%, equivalent to the descriptive rating of “excellent”.

In the survey, PRO-I attained a 93.23% rating in overall client satisfaction having earned scores in physical setup/layout, 97.13; basic facilities, 96.71; service quality, 94.07; client satisfaction, 91.70 and frontline service provider, 90.63.

The PRO-1 vowed to maintain its excellent standing by strengthening its campaign towards increasing clients’ awareness on the presence and use of the agency’s Citizen’s Charter.

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