San Jose Bridge completion displaces families

By January 19, 2014Inside News, News

LINGAYEN—More than 20 families will be relocated for the completion of the San Jose Bridge in Barangay Baay here, according to the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH).

District Engineer Elpidio Paragas of DPWH said phase 2 of the construction will start once the fund is released, which is expected within the first quarter of the year.

Paragas assured that the affected families will be relocated on houses on government land and will also be compensated for the forced displacement.

“The checks (for the families) are already available,” he said, adding that total compensation payments will amount to more than a million pesos.

Paragas also gave assurance that vehicular traffic will not be affected by the construction as work will only involve the side of the existing bridge.

“It is still safe to pass through the bridge,” he guaranteed.


Meanwhile, the DPWH official also announced that notices have been sent to residents along Lucao No. 2 Bridge to vacate the area as construction of the bridge may start soon.

In Barangay Longos, San Fabian, Paragas clarified that his district office has no responsibility over the construction of the controversial bridge that has remained unfinished after more than a year.

He said the project is under the DPWH Manila office and is being supervised by the regional office.

“Although nasa jurisdiction natin, pwede namang iba ang gumagawa… there are such exceptions,” he said.–Johanne R. Macob with report from PIO

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