Gina De V hails Dagupan’s family level preparedness plan

By January 5, 2014Inside News, News

FOURTH District Rep. Gina de Venecia hailed Dagupan City’s disaster risk reduction and management plan which focuses on preparedness at the household level to ensure that families know what to do in case of disasters.

De Venecia vowed her support to the plan and urged all barangay officials to do their part, adding that she wants Dagupan’s program to be replicated by other local government units around the country.

Such a plan, said De Venecia, is crucial as studies conducted by the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change composed of some 1,3000 scientists in the United States indicate that the effect of climate change is irreversible.

“That is why, I was elated when I learned that risk management and disaster preparedness here in Dagupan is being implemented  up to the family level because I know that this is the surest way to save our families in times of disaster,” said De Venecia.

One of the salient features of the plan is to train at least one member of the family to swim so that he or she can help save other family members in case of flood.

The Dagupan City Olympic-size swimming pool has been renovated by the city government under Mayor Belen Fernandez to serve as a venue for sports development and for training the appointed family members.

De Venecia said the studies point to adverse weather conditions such as Typhoon Yolanda that hit Leyte and Samar is continuing around the world and occurring more often.

De Venecia, who led members of the League of Lady Legislators in a medical and humanitarian mission in Leyte, said people in the town of Palo, Leyte stressed that information is important in disaster risk reduction, noting that they would have prepared better had they been informed more about the storm surge.

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