Arch. Cruz shouts: Rise “Reformers”!

By September 1, 2013Inside News, News

RETIRED Lingayen-Dagupan Archbishop Oscar Cruz, long been a crusader for change, said the public anger over the pork barrel issue has set the stage for the rise of “Reformers” whom he said are urgently needed by the country.

“It is not a secret. It is nothing confidential. It is a long standing gross reality. It is long obtaining scandalous fact. This: Philippine politics by-and-large stinks,” wrote Cruz, former president of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines, in his blog.

Cruz said a big number of politicians in the Philippines constitute a “deadly plague” to Philippine society.

For the moment, though, Cruz said it is important to address “the repugnant and nauseating matter of ‘Pork Barrel’.

“The ignominious system of huge monetary largesse appropriated by many dishonorable Representatives and Senators, including the illustrious President of the Republic – for personal benefits – has been long since misappropriating and devouring the ominous and ubiquitous direct and indirect taxes exacted by the voracious government from the millions of poor and few rich Filipinos alike, from birth to death,” Cruz said.

At the same time, Cruz said he believes that there are still a number of politicians who are “upright, honest, and true” and they are the ones who should be among the country’s “Reformers”.

“But let them do something to get rid of the ‘pork’ and do away with the ‘barrel’ – for the common good of the people they swear to serve. Reformer: Stand! Help! Please!,” he wrote.–Eva Visperas

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