By May 25, 2013News

Notice is hereby given that the estate left by the late DR. SALVADOR T. DUQUE, who died intestate on April 25, 2010 at St. Luke’s Medical Center in Quezon City, Manila, consisting of Two (2) parcels of land both situated at Nalsian, Calasiao, Pangasinan, containing an area of 3,843 sq. meters, more or less, covered by TCT No. 161103 and TCT No. 2682, are the subject of extrajudicial settlement of estate by and among the heirs under Doc. No. 167; Page No. 34; Book No.1, Series of 2011, under Notary Public  Atty. Ildefonso M. Rodrigo.

 May 26, June2, and 9, 2013  

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