Braganza concedes

By May 20, 2013Headlines, News

“THE people of Pangasinan have spoken, and I am ready to accept their verdict.”

Losing gubernatorial candidate Hernani Braganza made this statement in a press conference last May 15, the same day his opponent re-electionist Gov. Amado Espino Jr. was officially proclaimed.

Braganza said his candidacy was a mission to implement reforms in local governance and help restore pride and dignity among Pangasinenses, but “judging from the results of the May 13 elections, it seems that I have fallen short in rallying our people behind these causes.”

He said the 45-day campaign period proved insufficient to rally the people but stressed that he is not making excuses for the defeat which he described “temporary setback”.

The campaign was characterized by intense political rivalry, but Braganza, like Espino, expressed readiness to extend the hand of reconciliation.

Nonetheless, Braganza said “the quest” is not over.

“One thing is sure. Our quest to free Pangasinan from fear, violence, corruption and poverty is not over. It has just begun,” Braganza said.

Braganza ran under the ruling Liberal Party and was endorsed by President Benigno Aquino III while Espino was under the Nationalist People’s Coalition-Biskeg na Pangasinan.–Eva Visperas

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