PAGs neutralized by AFP, PNP teams

By May 13, 2013Headlines, News


AUGMENTATION forces from the Philippine Army and the Philippine National Police (PNP) deployed to Pangasinan effectively checkmated members of identified partisan armed groups (PAGs) capable of sowing terror in the May 13 election.

Senior Inspector Ryan Manongdo, information officer of the Police Provincial Office (PPO), reported that the armed groups’ movements have been restricted with the presence of government troops, especially in the16 identified areas of concern.

The 16 are Alaminos City, Agno, Bolinao. Infanta, Dasol, Bugallon, Urbiztondo, San Carlos City, Malasiqui, Dagupan City, Binalonan, Alcala, Rosales, Balungao and San Manuel.

The army sent 199 personnel in Pangasinan in addition to two Armored Personnel Carriers deployed in Bolinao and Dagupan.

CARTOONnews-130512There were also 200 additional policemen that came from the Police Regional Office 1.

Police Regional Director Chief Supt. Ricardo Marquez earlier said that of the four provinces in Region 1, he considered Pangasinan a “battleground” province in view of the number of towns and ties having keen political rivalries among politicians.


Meanwhile, a Quick Reaction Team (QRT) has been formed in every police station in the 44 towns and four cities of Pangasinan in preparation for Monday’s local and mid-term elections.

Manongdo, speaking during the KBP chapter forum last Thursday, said the QRT is a composite team of policemen from the Special Action Forces (SAF), Regional Police Mobile Group and the Public Safety Mobile Company and one local policeman who will immediately respond to any problem on peace and order.

This is to ensure that the policemen on duty at the polling center as well as those guarding Precinct Count Optical Scan (PCOS) machines can fully concentrate on their specific duties, Manongdo said.

Manongdo said there will be only 11 policemen left in every police station on election day but will be complemented by a separate QRT that can respond to any peace and order problem.

There are 1,193 polling centers throughout Pangasinan now being guarded 24/7 by 1,223 policemen who are expected not to leave their post at any time.

“We want to call the attention of our provincemates that the policemen on duty in polling centers and guarding the PCOS machines are not allowed to leave their posts but on emergency cases can be consulted but will only refer the matter to QRTs,” Manongdo said.

At the same time, Manongdo stressed that the province of Pangasinan remains peaceful and orderly with only five days to go before election day.

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