MGSSHS student No. 6 in National Science fair

EARNING the reputation of being a consistent and tough competitor, Mother Goose Special Science High School proved its worth once again when one its students,  Jose Antonio  Pastoral, Region I’s best bet, landed in the “Top 6 Best Individual Science Investigatory Project” during the annual DepEd Phil-Intel Science Fair held in Tagaytay last February 14-16, 2007.


His research entry entitled “The Anti-Helminthic Properties of Crassostrea Iridalis” impressed the meticulous judges who screened 105 research entries and almost 200 potential scientists all over the country.  Together with his proud coach-instructor, Mrs. Socorro Ringor, Pastoral brought home a trophy and the respect of his fellow researchers.

            Pastoral, a graduating honor student, is the only child of Drs. Antonio and Salome Pastoral of Dagupan City

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