Deja vu
I. Known you before!
By Emmanuelle
Before this birth, a death. And beyond that death,
a previous birth. So the cycle went. And goes.
As we lived in series, our paths touched, crossed.
Change never ceases. But the soul mirrored
in your eyes,
it is one the same.
Been here before!
Life is timeless, and the timeless in me lives
“in yesterday that is today’s memories
and in tomorrow that is today’s dreams”.
I’ve walked this part and the scene remains.
It is one the same.
Felt this before!
From the haze and maze, misty forms so dazed;
mismatched pairs and missing halves of fate crazed.
“to each season, a reason; to each half, a fitting half”.
an old sage prophesied. Therefore,
to have joined then, join hence.
We are one the same.
See you then!
To breathe our last, is to breathe our first.
Thenceforth, what mirth to these endless rebirths!
Lost, missed you this turn. But wait!
Charts had been writ. Count the years.
We’ll be back. Cross my heart.
We will be one the same.
Rebirth. Reincarnation. If there is truth in such, does it mean death is never the end of life; that death merely opens the door to another life in this same or another dimension, in this same or another world? Does it mean that man’s consciousness survives the death experience, although he finds himself in another body, with different conditions or destinations of life?
Below, I quote freely and loosely from the teachings of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. You may believe. You may not.
To understand mysterious claims such as this, man had traditionally turned to philosophers for enlightenment, accepting their teachings as representative of “a higher truth”. Though, many criticize this method of acquiring knowledge from a “higher authority”, no matter how carefully the knowledge is studied and analyzed. Philosopher E.F. Schumaker notes that in our modern society, when people are out of touch with nature and traditional wisdom, they “consider it fashionable to ridicule . . . and they only believe in what they see and touch and measure.” Or, as the saying goes, “Seeing is believing.”
As of yet, no scientist has successfully explained through laboratory investigations the mystery of consciousness or its destination after the destruction of the physical body. Research in this area had produced many divergent theories but their limitations must be recognized.
On the other hand, the principles of reincarnation comprehensively explain the subtle laws governing our past, present, and future lives.
To understand reincarnation, one must acknowledge the fundamental concept of consciousness as energy distinct from and superior to the matter that composes the physical body. This principle is supported by examination of the unique thinking, feeling, and willing capacities of the human being.
Can DNA strands or other genetic components possibly induce the feelings of love and respect one person has for the other? What atom or molecule is responsible for the writer’s or the musician’s artistry? Albert Einstein, the father of modern physics, himself admitted that consciousness could not be adequately described in terms of physical phenomena. This great scientist once said “I believe that the present fashion of applying the axioms of science to human life is not only entirely a mistake, but also has something reprehensible in it.” Reprehensible. Naive, too simple.
Why have we discussed the above? Simple. Next week, and maybe the weeks next, (and with God and the Editor willing!) this column will share true stories on deja vu, as sent by Feeling readers, and as encountered through the wanderings of Emmanuel herself.
See you then! I’ll be back. Cross my heart.
(For past columns, click http://sundaypunch.prepys.com/archives/category/opinion/feelings/)
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