20 houses in Umingan destroyed by tornado

By September 18, 2011Inside News, News

UMINGAN–Some 20 houses were destroyed, electric posts and trees were toppled down and an eight-hectare farm planted with about to be harvested rice were destroyed when a tornado hit Barangay Lobong here at about 4:30 p.m. of September 4.

SPO1 Edwin Aguinaldo, the duty officer of the Umingan police, said the tornado, which came from the north, lasted for less than one minute before exiting to the south.

One of those who lost his house was SPO3 Mario Bellaflores, a member of the Umingan Police Station.

His family also owns the rice plants destroyed by the twister.

The other houses, also made of light materials, were unroofed and walls blown down.

The electric posts that were toppled down belong to the Pangasinan Electric Cooperative II.

No one was reported hurt as residents were able to run for cover in adjacent drainage canals and laid on ground.

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