Prompt tax payments earn discounts
LINGAYEN—Here’s good news for real property taxpayers in the province.
The provincial board approved last Monday Resolution No. 32-2012 granting tax incentives to those who will pay real property taxes in advance and on time.
Under the new resolution, a 20% incentive/ tax discount will be given to those who will pay in full the basic real property and additional Special Education Fund (SEF) taxes for the current year during the first quarter of the year, which is on or before March 31.
Otherwise, as provided by Section 251 of the Local Government Code, a 10% discount per quarter will apply.
Sponsored by fourth district Board Member Jeremy Agerico Rosario, the ordinance was in response to the proposal of the Philippine Association for Municipal Assessors (PAMAS) based on numerous requests for discounts by taxpayers to advance and early payers.
Rosario said there is always a need to adopt measures to lessen the burden of real property owners in Pangasinan in the payment of their taxes.
Beginning 2013, the increase in real property taxes in the province will be fully implemented as mandated by Provincial Ordinance No. 151-2011 which covers the General Revision of Real Property Assessment and Classification in Pangasinan.
He added that the council conducted a study to determine the pros and cons of granting incentives. .–Eva Visperas and Johanne Margarette R. Macob
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