Cooperation between police, NBI assured

By September 11, 2011Inside News, News

THERE IS no truth to allegations that one can only choose to trust and turn to either the police or the NBI to report a crime.

This was affirmed by officials of two law enforcement agencies in the province who have given assurance that they are working together in the campaign against criminality.

Lawyer Diosdado Araos of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) said that there is “no competition nor rivalry” among the agencies in conducting investigations of reported crimes.

When cases are referred to the NBI, Araos explained that they act on these even if other agencies such as the local police stations are mandated to look into these incidents.

The NBI simply pursues a parallel investigation.

“Strike anywhere kami, kaya we coordinate with them para walang selosan,” Araos said during the Pantongtongan Tayo radio program of the Philippine Information Agency on Tuesday.

Chief Inspector Modesto Carrera, provincial head of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG), meanwhile echoed Araos’ statement and added that his office coordinates with the local police on any operation for maximum efficiency and to prevent any potential mishaps or “mis-encounters”.

The two officials clarified that both their agencies investigate cases referred to them, particularly heinous crimes like murder, massacre, human trafficking or rape and collaboration is a key to solving cases

Araos said coordination with the local police is particularly important in gathering witnesses.

Dyan tayo nagkakaproblema sa pagkuha ng witness, yong evidence madali lang,” he noted.

CIDG has been handling the killing of a retired NBI official, a lawyer from Aguilar town.

Carrera declined to divulge the progress of the investigation but hinted that the killing was related to a land dispute.

The provincial police office maintains operational supervision over the local CIDG units. (With report DOS/PIA Pangasinan)

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