Kuligligs save the day

By September 4, 2011Business, News

IMPROVISED tractors known as kuligligs are definitely one of a Filipino farmer’s best friends.

Not only are they used for tilling the land, they also double as a mode of transport for goods and people when connected to a trailer.

And in last week’s flooding in several parts of Pangasinan, kuligligs, usually deemed hazards on the main highways, proved their usefulness in times of calamity.

In several flooded barangays in Dagupan City and the neighboring towns of Calasiao and Sta. Barbara, enterprising kuliglig owners offered to transport people through murky waters for P10 to P20 per ride.

Kuligligs are ideal for flood situations as its engine, either diesel- or gas-powered, is located on an elevated part in front of the vehicle, allowing it to pass through even waist-high water.

It can accommodate at least 10 passengers in a single trip and the kuliglig drivers said they could earn between P300 to P400 in a day. (Venus H. Sarmiento, PIA-Pangasinan)

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