2 teachers in Tayug told to take leave

By June 26, 2011Headlines, News

TAYUG—Two teachers of the Tayug National High School  (TNHS) have been directed to take a leave of absence for the rest of the school year following their failure to comply with administrative requirements of the school the previous year.

The two are Remedios Alcaneses Bergado, a teacher in technology livelihood education; and Ronaldo Calisaan, a teacher in social studies.

Each received a notification letter from the school principal, Mary Lynne Bautista.

Bergado, who was earlier allowed to file her leave of absence for three months, was directed in a letter dated May 10, 2010 “to file your leave of absence for the school year 2011-1012”.

Bergado’s forced leave was prompted by her failure to accomplish and submit required reports, to remit collections for authorized contributions, frequent absenteeism and tardiness, among others.

Bautista said she had already given Bergado several chances to reform but to no avail.

Calisaan, on the other hand, was asked to file his leave of absence for the whole school year for failing to accomplish required school forms that caused procedural delays in the school’s implementation of programs.

“I have given you enough consideration for your wrongdoing. I am now constrained to make the necessary action for the good of the service,” Bautista wrote.

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