Barkada Konta Droga launched in Sto. Tomas

By November 3, 2012News, Peace and Order

STO. TOMAS—This municipality is the first small town in the country that launched the nationwide Barkada Kontra Droga (BKD) program.

At the launching ceremony, Vice Mayor Timoteo “Dick” Villar III said Secretary Antonio Villar Jr. who heads the Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB) and former mayor of the town, has been unrelenting in his campaign against illegal drugs even during his incumbency as mayor.

This campaign is sustained by the secretary’s wife, incumbent Mayor Vivien Villar.

“In our town, let’s continue the fight…there can be no family relationships or friendships that can be invoked when it comes to anti-illegal drugs. It is the vision of our very own DDB chairman who is from this town, to make our town a model, and our country eventually as drug-free,” he said.

DDB Undersecretary Rommel Garcia spoke to the young participants who joined the BKD about the medical perils of the use of illegal drugs while lawyer Phillip Josef Vera Cruz, DDB legal officer, talked about the salient points of Republic Act 9165, the law on illegal drugs.—Eva Visperas

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